National Stock Number (NSN) | Description |
5905-01-268-4294 (5905012684294) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-6902 (5905012676902) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3916 (5905012673916) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-5781 (5905012675781) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-3869 (5905012673869) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8127 (5905012678127) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Noninductive |
5905-01-267-2784 (5905012672784) | Resistor Fixed Composition |
5905-01-267-1313 (5905012671313) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-1338 (5905012671338) | Resistor Thermal |
5905-01-267-1311 (5905012671311) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-1320 (5905012671320) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-1321 (5905012671321) | Resistor Variable Wire Wound Pre |
5905-01-267-6899 (5905012676899) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3890 (5905012673890) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-7104 (5905012677104) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3737 (5905012673737) | Resistor Assembly |
5905-01-267-3908 (5905012673908) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-6904 (5905012676904) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-6903 (5905012676903) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4270 (5905012684270) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-4571 (5905012674571) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2807 (5905012672807) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-4574 (5905012674574) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-1926 (5905012671926) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-1317 (5905012671317) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound Nonprecision |
5905-01-268-1819 (5905012681819) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4300 (5905012684300) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3879 (5905012673879) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2241 (5905012672241) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-268-2926 (5905012682926) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-7808 (5905012677808) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Noninductive |
5905-01-267-8877 (5905012678877) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4285 (5905012684285) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3927 (5905012673927) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-4576 (5905012674576) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-9263 (5905012679263) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3889 (5905012673889) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-1316 (5905012671316) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound Nonprecision |
5905-01-267-1310 (5905012671310) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-268-4307 (5905012684307) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2306 (5905012672306) | Resistor Voltage Sensitive |
5905-01-268-1814 (5905012681814) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3880 (5905012673880) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2811 (5905012672811) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2242 (5905012672242) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-268-4269 (5905012684269) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2915 (5905012682915) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-6905 (5905012676905) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8128 (5905012678128) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-4283 (5905012684283) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8915 (5905012678915) | Resistor Variable Wire Wound Non |
5905-01-268-1178 (5905012681178) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2806 (5905012672806) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-4567 (5905012674567) | Resistor Fixed Composition |
5905-01-267-8891 (5905012678891) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-4580 (5905012674580) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-4570 (5905012674570) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3899 (5905012673899) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-3940 (5905012673940) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-3350 (5905012673350) | Resistorassembly |
5905-01-268-4291 (5905012684291) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-1179 (5905012681179) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-4573 (5905012674573) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-2207 (5905012682207) | Resistor Thermal |
5905-01-267-1339 (5905012671339) | Resistor Thermal |
5905-01-268-3479 (5905012683479) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9276 (5905012679276) | Resistor Variable Wire Wound Pre |
5905-01-267-3913 (5905012673913) | Resistor Variable N |
5905-01-268-4272 (5905012684272) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2305 (5905012672305) | Resistor Set Matched |
5905-01-268-4309 (5905012684309) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4287 (5905012684287) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8881 (5905012678881) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8914 (5905012678914) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-4289 (5905012684289) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-1309 (5905012671309) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-5778 (5905012675778) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-3160 (5905012683160) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-5316 (5905012675316) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-6913 (5905012676913) | Resistor Variable Wire Wound Precision |
5905-01-267-5253 (5905012675253) | Resistor Adjustable |
5905-01-267-3945 (5905012673945) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-3872 (5905012683872) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-267-4578 (5905012674578) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-5200 (5905012675200) | Resistorboard |
5905-01-268-4282 (5905012684282) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3918 (5905012673918) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-6901 (5905012676901) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4279 (5905012684279) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-6897 (5905012676897) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2916 (5905012682916) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-5780 (5905012675780) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-6907 (5905012676907) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-4577 (5905012674577) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound Nonprecision |
5905-01-267-3915 (5905012673915) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-7111 (5905012677111) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-0498 (5905012680498) | Resistor Thermal |
5905-01-268-4293 (5905012684293) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3910 (5905012673910) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8880 (5905012678880) | Resistor Fixed Film |
National Stock Number (NSN) | Description |
5905-01-267-3884 (5905012673884) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-9256 (5905012679256) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-4286 (5905012684286) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2808 (5905012672808) | Resistor Variable Wire Wound Non |
5905-01-267-5311 (5905012675311) | Resistor Variable Hybrid |
5905-01-267-4575 (5905012674575) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-267-5777 (5905012675777) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8879 (5905012678879) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8882 (5905012678882) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-2191 (5905012672191) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-268-4275 (5905012684275) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4295 (5905012684295) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9258 (5905012679258) | Dummy Resistor |
5905-01-268-1817 (5905012681817) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-1922 (5905012681922) | Resistor Voltage Sensitive |
5905-01-268-4274 (5905012684274) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2862 (5905012682862) | Resistor Assembly |
5905-01-268-4301 (5905012684301) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-1318 (5905012671318) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-3786 (5905012673786) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9254 (5905012679254) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-267-3888 (5905012673888) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-4550 (5905012674550) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4290 (5905012684290) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8905 (5905012678905) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-3883 (5905012673883) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-6909 (5905012676909) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9260 (5905012679260) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-5315 (5905012675315) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Inductive |
5905-01-267-8892 (5905012678892) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-7805 (5905012677805) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Noninductive |
5905-01-267-7806 (5905012677806) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Noninductive |
5905-01-268-4308 (5905012684308) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-4529 (5905012674529) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-1312 (5905012671312) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-268-4284 (5905012684284) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3887 (5905012673887) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8900 (5905012678900) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8911 (5905012678911) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-268-3877 (5905012683877) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-2923 (5905012682923) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-1818 (5905012681818) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3586 (5905012673586) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8884 (5905012678884) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8904 (5905012678904) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-3399 (5905012673399) | Resistor Fixed Composition |
5905-01-267-5779 (5905012675779) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-7809 (5905012677809) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-267-9255 (5905012679255) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-268-4302 (5905012684302) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3902 (5905012673902) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-4299 (5905012684299) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-1820 (5905012681820) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-4298 (5905012684298) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-1319 (5905012671319) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-4292 (5905012684292) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-7810 (5905012677810) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound Nonprecision |
5905-01-268-2892 (5905012682892) | Resistorassembly |
5905-01-268-4304 (5905012684304) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8126 (5905012678126) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9000 (5905012679000) | Resistor Voltage Sensitive |
5905-01-267-3942 (5905012673942) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-6593 (5905012676593) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Nonind |
5905-01-267-9271 (5905012679271) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4271 (5905012684271) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8885 (5905012678885) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-7767 (5905012677767) | Resistor Assembly |
5905-01-268-4278 (5905012684278) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-6895 (5905012676895) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-1535 (5905012681535) | Resistor Thermal |
5905-01-267-8125 (5905012678125) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2155 (5905012682155) | Resistorassembly |
5905-01-268-4276 (5905012684276) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9275 (5905012679275) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8883 (5905012678883) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-3906 (5905012673906) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-267-8912 (5905012678912) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound |
5905-01-267-7807 (5905012677807) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Noninductive |
5905-01-268-0574 (5905012680574) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-7803 (5905012677803) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-267-9268 (5905012679268) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4288 (5905012684288) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4303 (5905012684303) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-8906 (5905012678906) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-4280 (5905012684280) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4296 (5905012684296) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4305 (5905012684305) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4281 (5905012684281) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2924 (5905012682924) | Resistor Fixed Wire Wound Induct |
5905-01-268-4273 (5905012684273) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4297 (5905012684297) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2918 (5905012682918) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-4277 (5905012684277) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-9274 (5905012679274) | Resistor Network Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-1821 (5905012681821) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound Nonprecision |
5905-01-268-2661 (5905012682661) | Resistor Variable Nonwire Wound |
5905-01-268-4306 (5905012684306) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-267-7766 (5905012677766) | Resistorassembly |
5905-01-267-6906 (5905012676906) | Resistor Fixed Film |
5905-01-268-2919 (5905012682919) | Resistor Fixed Film |
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